How can Hypnotherapy and NLP help with public speaking?
For some people the physical symptoms of their phobia are overwhelming, These phobia symptoms can range from a dry mouth, to palpitations or cold sweats. One of the first and often easiest thing we can do with hypnosis and advanced NLP techniques is to control and eradicate these symptoms. By removing and controlling the symptoms of the phobia we hand control back to you.

Once the physical symptoms are removed people can feel empowered. The next stage is increase your confidence to enable you to feel comfortable and enjoy speaking to large groups of people. Dependent on the type of public speaking you do the way I approach your therapy will differ. If your speech or presentation is a one off we can focus on giving the skills and confidence to blow your audience away on the particular day. Or if you regularly need to public speak then I can equip you with a whole host of skills and techniques to ensure you always perform well regardless of the size audience or the level of importance you attach to the event.
Is this the right therapy/public speaking training course for you?
If you are looking to feel more confident when talking to members of your team, you need to give presentations at conferences, you have job interview coming up or wedding speech, then you are the sort of person I help achieve every day. This is possible by tailoring a package of therapy that is right just for you. No two people are the same and therefore the sessions I create are unique to you.
Make that change today, leave public speaking anxiety, in the past.