9 Effective ways to reduce anxiety and stress
An alarming 78% of Adults population of the world are under stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the question is can we overcome this stressful and anxious situation?
So here are the effective ways to deal with stress and anxiety:
1. Hypnotherapy:
Hypnotherapy for anxiety and stress helps a great deal. When anxiety and stress demand support, then hypnotherapy is the best solution. Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person is deeply relaxed, totally focused, and more responsive to suggestions. To some patients, this trance-like state is a daydream that makes them feel accomplished. For the treatment of stress and anxiety, hypnosis is more desirable for people with physical limitations.
During therapy, the hypnotist talks to the patient, makes him reflect on conflicting ideas, addresses the positive aspects of the matter, and builds his confidence. The more alpha and theta waves activity during this period makes him feel less anxious, calmer, and more creative.
Research shows that individuals receiving hypnotherapy experience more satisfaction than those without hypnotic treatment. Many patients have shared their stories showing the powerful effects of hypnosis.

2. Exercise:
Any type of exercise or physical activity helps reduce stress and anxiety. When dealing with stressful situations, our body releases adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress hormones.
Exercise reduces the levels of these stress hormones in the blood and contributes to relaxing the body. Moreover, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the natural analgesics in the body. These pain relievers improve mood and the ability to sleep. When you go for a walk or any intense exercise, your attention is deflected and in this way, the influence of a stressful situation is reduced.
On top of that, exercise helps to reduce weight, which strengthens self-confidence and social image. Thus, stress and anxiety caused by obesity or overweight problems must be treated in this manner.

3. Diet:
People with healthy lifestyles have more power to live a difficult but happy life. And a healthy lifestyle involves a balanced diet that contains a high content of protein and fiber and a small amount of sugar and fat. Here are a few effective and readily available foods and vitamins that help alleviate stress and depression:
• Fatty fish:
Fatty fish like salmon are high in omega-3, which benefits mental health. According to Research , the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s helps to treat anxious thoughts. Furthermore, nutrients in fatty fish increase the production of neurotransmitters in the body which relieves mood and promotes healthy brain function.
• Eggs:
Eggs are an excellent source of protein vital to the growth and development of the mind and body. The eggs also contain tryptophan, which turns into serotonin within the body. Serotonin is the chemical that controls an individual's mood and behavior.
• Green tea:
Green tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is known to have positive anti-anxiety effects. L-theanine reduces cortisol levels, resulting in reduced stress and anxiety.
• Dark chocolate:
A study published in Journal of Proteome Research , shows that dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, particularly flavonoids that reduce neuroinflammation and opposes stressful condition of the brain.
• Milk:
Milk contains a lot of calcium and vitamin D that helps improve the bone structure of the body. But that's not it, calcium also helps to lighten the mood, and vitamin D which is a membrane antioxidant manages stress and depression.
• Vitamin C, E & D:
Vitamin C , is a co-factor of enzymes that relieves anxiety by limiting oxidative stress. It also reduces the levels of cortisol. The study found that Vitamin E , and anxiety are inversely related. Low vitamin E levels lead to increased anxiety attacks. Vitamin D also helps to soothe the depressed state of the mind.
In addition to these foods, a diet high in caffeine and sugar destroys the mood and alcohol is an accelerator. So avoid smoking and taking high doses of caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.

4. Yoga:
Yoga is not only a stretching exercise that relaxes your tight muscles, but it is also a stress and anxiety manager. Yoga provides the discipline to your mental health which helps to achieve mindfulness and tranquility. It is a great stress reliever. It regulates blood pressure, removes any anxiety and stressful thoughts from your mind, and improves mood.
Research , says that yoga is the better regulation of the sympathetic nervous system that controls the emergencies of our body and in this way keeps it at peace.

5. Sleep:
One effective way to cope with stress and anxiety is to achieve healthy sleep. Sleep is the power supply to the brain. A mind after a restful sleep is more effective at work throughout the day with higher energy levels.
Sleep brings clarity to decisions and greater productivity at work. A study, shows that lack of sleep produces the stress hormone, cortisol in the body and thus increases anxiety and depression.
Daily exercise is a powerful factor for healthy sleep as it helps to reduce levels of stress hormones in the body and our brain gets an appropriate rest.

6. Counseling:
Sometimes while trying to combat the stress and anxiety, we'd like to be addressed about the cause and here the counselor comes. Stress comes from mental pressure either due to a loss or exaggerating responsibilities and ends up in anxiety or depression.
Counseling is that the process during which you have got a therapist to offload your problems onto. The counselor is like a stress pot and therefore the best individual that understands you completely. He gives you emotional and social confidence and recommends effective ways to pander to your status.
According to a survey, approximately 94% of individuals consider psychotherapy effective for treating their anxiety and depression.

7. Deep Breathing:
Deep breathing signals the brain to relax, which in turn sends messages to the body to exit the tense state. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system of our body that is the opponent of the fight or flight system which is the sympathetic nervous system. It lowers the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes strained muscles in the body.
There are plenty of ways to breathe deeply. The following is an example:
• Inhale slowly and deeply while fully utilizing the diaphragm.
• Hold your breath and count as ten.
• Then exhale gently.
• Repeat these steps at least 10 times to overcome stress at the moment.

8. Talking to someone:
Take some time out and spend it with friends and family.
According to the “tend and befriend effect”; women sharing their depressive thoughts with some other women show positive behavioral changes.
The chemical-proof behind this is the release of oxytocin, which is the natural stress reliever along with other female reproductive hormones. These chemicals oppose the fight or flight response and relax the mind.
So going out and having some leisure time with other people distracts the attention from contagious thoughts.

9. Positive Attitude:
A positive attitude is a productive approach to situations. Positive thinking improves the psychological health of a person and makes a person mentally powerful to deal with hardship.
• Try to be easy on yourself. Don't put too much weight on what's not meant to be in your life. You're human and can't control everything.
• Avoid those people who are contagious and create tension in your life. Remember, you're the sole savior of your life.
• Try not to reflect too much on difficult and depressing circumstances. It increases cardiac activity and raises stress hormone levels.
• Manage your schedule according to your competence. Make amendments to it, if it is magnified.
• Have some “me time”. This will help to lower the pressure on the brain through your help and will sort out many problems.

Other Coping therapies:
• Aromatherapy which involves essential oils is effective. The scent of the oils when inhaled, stimulates olfactory nerves and transmits impulses to the emotional center of the brain, and calms the tensed state.
• Massage therapy reduces nerve compressions and spastic states of muscles, thus combat anxiety and stress.
• Music therapy relieves the tensed state of the body by maintaining blood pressure and levels of stress hormones.
• Leisure time with your favorite person signals the brain a relaxing situation and peacefulness. In this way, brain omits the anxiety and depression.
Stress and anxiety are the most prevailing restless states of the brain. Due to the current situation of the world, they are becoming common in every age group. But there are some easy and efficient ways to deal with these states. Physical activities, diet, yoga, and some other therapies help to drop down anxiety and combat stress.