I did four sessions with Pankaj, after his wife who's a very dear friend suggested I try hypnotherapy with him, as I was suffering from undiagnosed fatigue. I immediately signed up, as I know she would never recommend something unless she knows it's really good.
I could see some results after just one session. After each session I would give up smoking for a few days but would take it up again. After the third session, I finally gave up, and haven't had a cigarette in three weeks now. After the fourth session, Pankaj gave me recordings for self hypnosis and one of our sessions, so that I can use them daily to overcome my fatigue and lack of motivation. I can already see the difference the recordings make to my day.
The key thing is to be patient. While the hypnotherapy works fairly immediately, it doesn't work instantly. I always lit up a cigarette the minute the session was over, but would give up a few days after the session.
The best thing about Pankaj is that he's very keen to help people, and has more confidence in you than you have in yourself, because he knows what he does is highly effective.
I have tried hypnotherapy before to give up smoking, but it wasn't this effective. So I would recommend Pankaj very highly. Just be patient, and try a few sessions before you see results. Also, listen to the recordings every day, for the best outcome.